The South Florida biker community is made up of various types of people from different walks of life and beliefs. We see those riding in this hot weather riding on different brands of motorcycle. We see them riding from different countries speaking multiple languages making the South Florida biker community the best in all the U.S.! Finally, I see different associations and MC’s that are Christian based that worship and RIDE for Jesus Christ! One of the largest association is the CMA standing for the Christian Motorcycle Association. Who is this CMA motorcycle riding organization?

CMA was started by Herb Shreve, an Arkansas pastor who purchased a motorcycle to close the generation gap with his rebellious son. He began evangelizing motorcycle rallies, and in 1975, he resigned from his church to start CMA. This is a non denominational,CMA , outreach organization established to win the Biker, his friends and family to Jesus.
The organization grew to over 125,000 members and over 1200 chapters in all 50 states, and then gained chapters in 31 foreign countries, through the CMA International Ministry. René Changuion started CMA South Africa in 1980 and was the first country to be in the CMA International Coalition, now called CMA International. The UK organization was formed in 1983 when members of the Christian Bikers Association, established in the UK in 1979, approached the CMA in the USA and South Africa.
How to Become a CMA Member?
The first requirement for membership in CMA is acknowledging an acceptance of Jesus Christ as
Savior and Lord. The second requirement is to complete the Member Training that provides key
information about CMA and basic training on CMA’s approach to ministering to motorcyclists.
This material is available through your local chapter, for download or purchase on the on the CMA
website, or through the CMA order line at 870-389-6196. Application for membership is included
in the training’s workbook.
Once you have completed the Member Training, send the questionnaire to CMA National where
it will be reviewed and, upon approval, processed for membership. A membership card with a
welcome letter will be sent to you confirming your membership. This card will authorize you to
purchase items with the official CMA logo and the official CMA back patch. Please see the
“Member Training” section for more information.
Run for the Son (RFS) is CMA’s investment into evangelizing, equipping, and training the
motorcyclists of this nation and worldwide, strengthening the persecuted church, equipping and
training pastors and leaders in ministry, and providing the opportunity for people worldwide to
hear the words of Jesus in their own language.

Those participating in RFS raise money throughout the year by making personal donations and
seeking individuals to make donations and/or sponsor them on the RFS ride that takes place the
first Saturday of May each year. The chapter or individual collects the money and sends it to CMA
National. CMA National tallies the money with the final total being revealed at the June National
Rally where it is distributed in the following method (SEE IMAGE ABOVE).
Interaction with Motorcycle Clubs/Ministries
CMA is an interdenominational organization. We recognize that there are differences in the
doctrines and practices of our members in the local church. CMA’s ministry is one of salvation,
restoration, and Christian growth through the Bible.
Listed below are several guidelines for accountability for members in ministry. These procedures
are in place to provide accountability to our members and CMA. If you have any questions, please
contact your Area Rep or State Coordinator.
- Report any ministry results or activity to your chapter secretary.
- Be active in your local chapter.
- Notify your Area Rep or State Coordinator if you are serving as a chaplain for a secular
organization. - Avoid usage of titles that may mistakenly identify you as a national CMA officer.
- Do not consume alcoholic beverages (including near beer).
- Submit an event report within 10 days of an event if you served as an Approved Speaker.
- Contact your State Coordinator about becoming an Approved Speaker to conduct services
at secular events. - Remember that CMA National and state events take priority over secular events.

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