
Gabe’s South American Harley Motorcycle Adventure: Crossing the Darien Gap
Gabe's South American Harley Motorcycle Adventure: Crossing the Darien Gap by Air
#attorneythatrides #colombiamotoadventure #mototravelvlog I know, I know, but with all the Corona now relax I rode this in 2019 before the pandemic. I flew my…

Gabe’s Last Weekend in Ecuador Motorcycle Adventure of South America!
Gabe's Last Weekend in Ecuador Motorcycle Adventure of South America!
After getting to the bottom of this waterfall. I realized I am out of shape, but some friends say round is shape. It was easy getting down the stairs and suspension…

International Motorcycle Adventure: Gabe Rides the Country of Ecuador (PART I)
International Motorcycle Adventure:
Gabe Rides the Country of Ecuador -
Gabe's Moto Adventure: Banos Ecuador - The Volcanic Tree House I was super high in altitude breathing hard but I made it to Banos, Ecuador south of Quito. I saw…

Riding the Deep Peruvian Culture and Mountains 2019
Rider Report #7
Kelsey & Gabe’s Pan Am Mission:
Riding the Deep Peruvian Culture and Mountains
After joining Kelsey in Lima, Peru we took one day to due wash our gear and get ready for the run. The morning we woke up the fog was thick…

Attorney That Rides: Unexpected Mechanical Failures Compilation
Unexpected Mechanical Failures
There have been many attorneys in the world that hold a passion for riding, in retrospect there have been many motorcycle
owners that have become lawyers but never one like Gabriel Jose Carrera, aka the…