
2019 30 Hour Ironman LDR South Florida Iron Butt Style Rally Benefiting South Florida Veterans for Thanksgiving!
2019: 30-Hour Ironman LDR South Florida Iron Butt Style Rally Benefiting South Florida Veterans for Thanksgiving!
#ironmanLDR #JustCallGabe #Motorcycles #LDR #Carrera
#ironmanLDR #JustCallGabe #Motorcycles…

Rider’s Report: Arriving into Santiago, Chile
Kelsey & Gabe’s Pan Am Mission:
Arriving into Santiago, Chile
Rider Report: As you may or not be aware Kelsey and I are on a mission to complete the ultimate long-distance endurance run for the American Legion (post 180) in bringing…

Nostalgic Review of the Attorney That Rides’ 2015 Pan Am Motorcycle RUN!
Nostalgic Review of the Attorney That Rides' 2015 Pan Am Motorcycle RUN!
The Attorney That Rides, aka Gabe Carrera, rode a 2013 Harley Road King Police edition motorcycle from Ushuaia, Argentina to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Gabe was the first…

American Legion Post 180 4th Annual Biker Bash
Come out and join the American Legion Post 180 as they celebrate their 4th annual Biker Bash. They will have live music from the Southern Rock Society. Fresh crawfish, hotdogs, not for the weak at heart and of course hamburgers. The American…