Hoka Hey Challenge 2020 | Long Distance Motorcycle Flash Backs
Hoka Hey Challenge 2020
Long Distance Motorcycle Flash Backs

What can I tell ya? I have been working my ass off to build up my law firm since I came back from the 2020 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. This motorcycle run is the 4th one that I do so you would think I would get better at riding this to make top 25 out of 175 HH Riders.
During my run I came across two guys riding together and they opened up the circle allowing me to ride with them. Together we created a tight friendship mile-by-mile until we reached the finish line. On the road I grabbed my GoPro and asked them some questions. I hope you like what they said ….
YOUTUBE CAPTION: “Once the Good, The Bad and The Ugly reached the Smokey mountain top; Hoka Hey Gabe the Attorney That Rides pulls out his Go Pro to Moto-Vlog the Hoka Hey moment. Russell is asked various questions regarding his thoughts on riding the Hoka Hey 10,000 mile challenge across the United states in 14-20 days. Here is the give and take of a Hoka Hey Rider’s experience on the run!”
YOUTUBE CAPTION: “in 2018 Brian Campos, Rider #886, had to drop out of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge because of health reasons. For two years it ate away at him that he could not complete the Hoka Hey Challenge. This year of 2020 Brian crosses the finish line successfully completing his personal challenge. On his 10,000 miles travel he rode with Gabe Carrera aka the Attorney That Rides from Fort Lauderdale FL. Here are some comments from Brian and watch him crossed the finish line that was denied to him in 2018. This video is sponsored by www.AttorneyThatRIDES.com”

YOUTUBE CAPTION: “I participated with Hoka Hey Rides #815 in 2014 Hoka Hey Motorcycle Cycle Challenge (HHMC) Key West to Alaska. Russell had a bad crash in Canada and could not complete the challenge. Here in 2020 I can now say he completed the challenge successfully and with honor. I ask him as we rode together on the route his thoughts of riding with the Attorney That Rides. You have to have thick skin with these guys because they will roast ya if they small blood in the waters. LOL!”

HEY! I’m Gabe Carrera, Esq and I advertise here in South Florida, Florida as the Attorney That Rides. I am happy doing what I do best and that is helping people fight against injustice or show them motorcycle riding videos!
If you have been injured on a motorcycle or auto no fault of your own; or you were just served papers in a family law matter – call my office for a FREE consultation. Hey, first one is always free!
Call today me @ (((954-533-7593))) Want to follow me on other platforms and forums click on the links below and enjoy!
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