Rolling Thunder Dead, BUT 2019 Run For The Wall Alive & Kicking!
Rolling Thunder Dead, BUT
2019 Run For The Wall
Alive & Kicking!
May 15-24, 2019
Contrary to popular belief Run For The Wall (RFTW) in part will continue even though they are different organization than Rolling Thunder. Please read this Press Release below and be informed. The Liberal media despises the Military and its veterans unless they tow the hate America line displayed in the drive by media. The major news outlets fully knowing have not covered the RFTW that will continue its yearly ride to “Ride For Those Who Can’t!” This article is written in support of the RFTW but its author is not part of the organization.
RFTW started in 1989 by James Gregory and Bill Evans, two Vietnam Veterans who traveled across the heartland of America on motorcycles. They talked to local radio, TV and newspapers about the thousands of men and women still unaccounted for from all wars. The need for this awareness continues today and we carry on this tradition every May. RFTW find themselves planning the 30th Anniversary. RFTW still have riders with them today that were on that first run. And every year, they see more and more FNGs (Fine New Guys/Gals). They need and invite the FNGs, RFTW needs to continue this important mission.
The RFTW is special because it helps Vets overcome issues they came home with. They ride with their brothers and sisters that served interacting every day until they open up with the older vets. They see the love and support that America has for them as they ride city to city.
My buddy Bill Aviles rides every year and always has awesome stories to tell how many vets that are hurt inside heal with the help of those that love them. I have rode my bike from South Florida to meet them in Washington DC and camped out with them. I am 100{6afdcdf14f1f3d0d6d046bdd6bb6844d1d6f78a435ef85ae323b1d28ccc5d3f7} in favor of the RFTW
Please read this important press release below the video:
To Whom it May Concern:
The Run for the Wall® Board of Directors, would like to clear up and clarify for new riders and the public, rumors regarding Run for the Wall® and Rolling Thunder.
1. Run for the Wall® and Rolling Thunder ARE NOT the same organization, and are not affiliated. They never have been affiliated, nor have they ever been the same thing or organization.
2. Run for the Wall® began in 1989, and now 30-years later is the Largest and Longest Organized Cross-Country Motorcycle Ride and Event of its Kind in the World, and operates Three Routes: Central, Midway, and Southern Routes. All routes start in Ontario, California and travel to and arrive Washington, DC, the Friday of Memorial Weekend and consists of a 10-day journey that crosses America’s Heartland from Coast-to-Coast raising
awareness for POW/MIAs, supporting our current and former military, and provides a healing environment for veterans, veteran families, and supporters. Everyone is welcome to join one of our three routes, veteran, non-veteran, and/or supporter. Riders are welcome to join any one of our three routes for 1-day, or any combination up to the full 10-day ride. You must, however, join at one of our overnight stops. You can’t join mid-day.
3. Rolling Thunder is/was the 2-mile demonstration parade in Washington, DC the Sunday of Memorial Weekend in May. (Every year many Run for the Wall Riders have participated in the Rolling Thunder parade because we were there at the same time.)
4. The Rolling Thunder organization has announced that 2019 will be the last year they will have their 2-mile demonstration parade in Washington, DC, the Sunday of Memorial Weekend. This has ZERO impact on Run for the Wall® operations.
5. Run for the Wall® will operate all of its routes in 2019… AND BEYOND (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and so on). We will always ride to Washington, DC… Every Year. We we will always lay our “Mission Complete” Plaque at the apex of the Vietnam Memorial Wall. We will still go to Arlington National Cemetery. We will still wash The Wall.
We will still gather on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for a group photo. We will always welcome anyone that wants to ride with us and join us on any of our three routes, specially our younger veterans.
We will always Ride for Those Who Can’t. Join us. Continue The Mission, and learn more at:
The Run For The Wall® Board of Directors

Here is my good buddy Bill Aviles who turned me onto RFTW! Love this run with all my heart.
Key points about the Run
(these directly from the Mission Statement)
- To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends
- To call for an accounting of ALL Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA),
- To honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from ALL wars, and
- To support our military personnel all over the world.
Run for the Wall started in 1989 as a ride to honor Vietnam veterans. The organization has evolved to encompass and Welcome ALL Veterans, non-veterans, supporters, and patriots. It’ a healing ride and run. It’s family. It’s friendships. We especially welcome and invite current active duty military, and younger veterans from recent conflicts. If you have a heart for America and support our troops, this Run is for you. Learn more at:, and follow us on social media at: