Gabe’s Back From the IBA Jax Bike Week Party!

aka Attorney That RIDES
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Catching up with my peeps since I returned to South Florida from the Iron Butt Association 2023 Bike Week party and rally. They had a beautiful banquet with an interesting long distance riding presentation. Attendees were permitted to ride a saddlesore 1,000 or a bun burner 1,500 by starting and finishing in Jax, Florida. Some of the exact runs that were open to the attendees is as follows:

The SnowBird 1000 and Krazy Key West 1000 will start on Thursday, March 9, 2023. Started from IBA Headquarters in Jacksonville at 6:55 am. Successful finishers received their certificate Friday afternoon in a beautiful ceremony among LDR piers. Ride registration was $60.23 and was completed separately at using the JAX PARTY RIDE category.
KRAZY KEY WEST 1000 – this ride is held yearly for those who need an excuse to grind miles and visit Key West. I decided not to do this because the traffic is insane in the Florida keys. God bless those that braved all the tourists and loco-locals trekking down the series of mini islands connected by US 1.

The SNOWBIRD 1000 and Krazy Key West will be documented by photos of key landmarks (camera or smart phone with camera required). At the start on Thursday morning, riders will receive a unique JAX rally flag. If you are new to documenting rides via flags, please visit this IBA info site to learn more how it is run. How to set up your rally flag in Rally Flag 101
I decided to ride the Snow Byrd 1000 riding a loop around Florida. Here is a video of me heading to Jax with a pit stop in Destination Daytona – JP Cycles. My good buddy and awesome mechanic Knuckles in less than an hour repaired some small electrical issues i had before leaving for the IBA hotel off the Jax I-295. I have been doing the IBA runs in the Bike Week party since 2014.
When I finished that Saturday a good friend invited me to NW Georgia to ride and attend a biker party. I love the GA back roads and in my opinion they are the best in the country especially in late spring. I rode up almost to the Alabama borderline spending the night. I slept outside under the stars until it started raining like cats and dogs with thunder & lightening. The next day it rained all the way back until i got to Lake City on I-75 heading South back to Fort Lauderdale.
When I finished that Saturday a good friend invited me to NW Georgia to ride and attend a biker party. I love the GA back roads and in my opinion they are the best in the country especially in late spring. I rode up almost to the Alabama borderline spending the night. I slept outside under the stars until it started raining like cats and dogs with thunder & lightening. The next day it rained all the way back until i got to Lake City on I-75 heading South back to Fort Lauderdale.
On this run, as I previously mentioned in another post, I ran with a brand spanking new Insta360 X3 cam to up the quality of my videos. When I found myself at 7:30 AM in a red dirt GA slippery cow pasture I attached the Insta360 X3 to record the butt clenching ride down and then up a super slippery hill. I wont tell ya if I spilled the bike in the nasty red mud – you are going to have to click to find out by watching!
Now that i am back home in South Florida I am juggling my legal work with all the video editing of the IBA footage I took. I am putting it all together to share with you my experience the best way I can communicate it to you. All I can tell you is that stay in touch and subscribe to my YouTube channel so you get a notification when I drop a new moto-video.
Finally, I am an Attorney that has a small mom & pop shop that gets great results. I cannot go on my runs was it not for followers like you that confide in me to refer your family and friends. If you know someone in need of my legal services please give them my number (954-533-7593) or send them to

Recently came across your YouTube channel, enjoying the content. Where does the IBA post their ride information?