
Fort Lauderdale to Key West MOTO-Day RIDE!
Better late than never but I am back with some moto-content to kill your boredom since you ain't up and out riding terrorizing the streets of South Florida. I am not complete in my editing since i am riding more that producing my YouTube videos. I am overwhelmed with winning in Court and eating up those cross country miles. I took a day to ride to Key West and back thus my two videos below. ENJOY!

Cooling the Harley Milwaukee 8 Engine!
So the engine is hot and your cookie cutter Harley dealership shrugs its shoulders that they can't help you. You have arrived at the right place so that I can throw together some videos on how to cool that HOG engine under your ass.

Is Florida Leading the Nation in Motorcycle Deaths?
The number of annual motorcycle fatalities observed in Florida has more than doubled over the past twenty years. Although there has been some decline since 2015, when a high of 584 was reached, motorcycle fatalities remain elevated, with an average of 550 per year from 2016-2021. Of additional concern, overall, traffic fatalities have increased by nearly 17% over the past five years, with motorcycle fatalities increasing by 3%. In Florida there were 564 motorcyclist fatalities.

Gabe Rides The Florida Everglades 2020
Gabe Rides The Florida Everglades 2020
Gabe's Moto Ride In The Florida Everglades: Tamiami Trail During Corona Isolation. Sunday May 3, 2020 looked like all the Bikers and fast-kit-cars, Fast & Furious, were tired of…