Operation Coral Thunder Poker Run & Scavenger Hunt
The American Legion Riders Marathon & the Attorney That Rides presents Operation Coral Thunder Poker Run and Scavenger Hunt
Coral Thunder - Raising Funds For Veterans
Saturday, September 16th. Starts at 9AM @ Last Chance Saloon in Florida…
Phil Peterson’s Key West Poker Run is “ON HOLD”
Hello Everyone, We still do not have a permit because the documents and commitments are not finalized,
so the Phil Peterson’s Key West Poker Run is “ON HOLD”.
Sorry for all the confusion, we have not been…
Key West Poker Run Not All-In For Annual Event
Every year, an estimated 10,000 motorcycles rumble down the Overseas Highway from Miami to the Key West Poker Run during the third weekend of September in the annual Phil Peterson's Poker Run.
But a little more than three months before this…